Oct 12, 2008


When I was a child, I knew exactly what elementary, middle and high school I would be attending. I didn't have a choice AND I was guaranteed a great education. I even graduated with some of the same people that were in my kindergarten class. (Granted, I grew up in a small town, but STILL!!)

Now, it's time for us to pick a middle school for our oldest child, Kaleigh. Our 'home' middle school is a joke; lock downs at least once a week, poor grades, even poorer choices made by the students. For that and many other reasons, we're looking at our options for middle schools. Apparently, our next door neighbor's daughter who is the same age as Kaleigh has told her that she has no choice but to attend a school that is nowhere near our house. She got VERY upset and started crying about it this morning; saying she wished she could live closer to that school. So for the past 45 minutes, I've been looking at our local school system's website, printing off the necessary forms for middle school applications and also descriptions of the magnet schools in our area. We'll be attending the yearly "Showcase of Schools" in a few weeks and I'd like to be as prepared as possible for that. Maybe even have it narrowed down to 2 or 3 schools by that point.

I'm doing my best not to be upset with the girl next door. I really am. But I tell ya... the Momma Bear comes out in me when I know my little girl is upset. Billy has tried telling Kaleigh not to put too much into what she hears from her friend. That's all well and good and I certainly hope she takes what Daddy is telling her to heart. >sigh< It'll all be over soon, right? Oh wait... nope, it won't... we're almost into the teens! YIKES!


Kristin said...

Good luck with the school stuff!

Kristin said...

Oh Pamela...I tagged you on my blog.